Bachelor Seminar Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

General information


This seminar simulates a machine learning conference, where the students take on the role of authors and reviewers. It consists of multiple phases.

1. Proposal phase

Attend the mandatory first meeting either in person or remotely (details on TUWEL).

Option 1: our suggestions

You select two topics/papers (i.e., two bullet points) from one of the topics below. You will work with the material mentioned in the overview and the topic-specific resources.

Option 2: your own idea + one of our suggestions

You choose your own topic to work on. This can be some existing machine learning paper/work or an own creative idea in the context of machine learning. We strongly encourage you to start from existing papers from the following venues: NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, COLT, AISTATS, UAI, JMLR, MLJ. Importantly, your idea has to be specific and worked out well. Nevertheless, choose one of our suggestions as well.

Independent of the option you chose, understand the fundamentals of your topic and try to answer the following questions:

Select topics and write a short description of them together with the answers to the questions (~3 sentences should be sufficient) in TUWEL.

We can only accept your own proposals if you can answer the mentioned questions and have a well worked out topic.

2. Bidding and assignment phase

You and your fellow students will act as reviewers and bid on the topics of your peers you want to review. Based on the biddings, we (in the role as chairs of the conference) will select one of each student’s proposals as the actual project you will work on for the rest of this semester. You do not need to work on the other project, anymore. Additionally, we will also assign two different projects from other students to you, which you will have to review later in the semester.

3. Working phase

Now the actual work starts. Gather deep understanding of your topic, write a first draft of your report and give a 5-minute presentation. Feel free to go beyond the given material.

You will schedule two meetings with your supervisor to discuss your progress, but do not hesitate to contact him/her if you have any questions.

4. Reviewing phase

You will again act as a reviewer for the conference by writing two reviews, one for each draft report assigned to you.

5. Writing phase

Based on the reviews from your peers (and our feedback) you will further work on your topic.

6. Submission phase

Give a final presentation and submit your report.

General resources (freely available books)

Topics (Tentative)

You should have access to the literature and papers through Google scholar, DBLP, the provided links, or the TU library. Feel free to watch the linked talks to get an overview on the topics.

Kernels (click to expand)

Motivation: Kernels generalise linear classifiers to linear functions in a (potentially infinite dimensional) feature space. They are the foundation of various popular machine learning algorithms like the kernel SVM and kernel PCA.


Papers and topics:

Semi-supervised learning (click to expand)

Motivation: Semi-supervised learning uses labelled and to be able to train classifiers with fewer labels. This is useful in applications where unlabelled data is abundant, yet labels are scarce, such as node classification in social networks, drug discovery, and autonomous driving.


Papers and topics:

Active learning (click to expand)

Motivation: In active learning, the learning algorithm is allowed to select the data points it wants to see labelled, for example, where it is most uncertain. The goal is to reduce the labelling effort. This is useful in applications where unlabelled data is abundant, yet labels are scarce, such as node classification in social networks, drug discovery, and autonomous driving.


Papers and topics:

Trustworthy ML (click to expand)

Motivation: Machine learning systems are ubiquitous and it is necessary to make sure they behave as intended. In particular, trustworthiness can be achieved by means of privacy-preserving, robust, and explainable algorithms.


Papers and topics:

Equivariant neural networks (click to expand)

Motivation: Many datastructures have an innate structure that our neural networks should respect. For example the output of a graph neural networks should not change if we permute the vertices (permutation equivariance/invariance).


Papers and topics:

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) (click to expand)

Motivation Graphs are a very general structure and can be applied to many areas: molecules and developing medicine, geographical maps, spread of diseases. They can be used to model physical systems and solve partial differential equations. Even images and text can be seen as a special case of graphs. Thus it makes sense to develop neural networks that can work with graphs. GNNs have strong connections to many classical computer science topics (algorithmics, logic, ...) while also making use of neural networks. This means that work on GNN can be very theoretical, applied or anything in between.


Papers and topics:

GNN explainability (click to expand)

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have common applications in biology, chemistry and, by extension, medicine. For these areas it is of utmost importance to understand why our method (the GNN) behaves like it does. For example: Why does a GNN classify a molecule as a potential target for a novel therapy? Many classical agnostic explainability approaches for machine learning algorithms focus on the importance of node features, disregarding the actual graph structure. However, the structure of a graph is essential for many learning tasks. Thus, there has been a recent surge in the development of GNN explainability methods: such methods might identify relevant substructures (e.g., cycles in a molecule) or give logical rules which explain the prediction.


Papers and topics:

ML for SAR image processing (click to expand)

Motivation: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active microwave imaging system that provides high-resolution images day and night under all weather conditions. It has been widely used in many practical applications, such as environment, crop monitoring, and disaster detection. Using best-suited machine learning algorithms to derive useful information from these data is essential.


Papers and topics:

Disentangled Representations (click to expand)

Motivation: Computing a disentangled representation is a very desirable property for modern deep learning architectures. Having access to individual, disentangled factors is expected to provide significant improvements for generalisation, interpretability and explainability.


Papers and topics:

Generalisation (click to expand)

Motivation: The ability of a model to adapt and perform well on new data is crucial. A model which generalises not only performs well on the training set, but on unseen data as well. Understanding and characterising why and how deep learning can generalise well is still an open question.


Papers and topics: